Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Moms surprise 55th birthday party!!

So we had a party for my mom the day before Halloween to celebrate her 55th birthday, it was my dad's idea to throw her a surprise party and we all helped put it together. There were 55 multi colored balloons and 55 cupcakes from Sarahs cake stop which I might add are really good. It was a great time and she was totally surprised, we missed those that could not make it. So here are the pics from that day. It was great seeing everyone!!

This is my Aunt Sany and Gigi sitting before my mom got there and My aunt Jan and aunt mary standing behind them.

Everyone waiting for my mom to come through the door of their house.

My brother Dominick waiting in the front room to catch my moms expression.

Justin trying to be incognito:)

The surprise!!!!

I think its safe to say that she was totatlly surprised by her expression!

My mom and dad

My aunt Debi and Sam with my mom

My uncle Mark with my mom

These are my parents good friends Doug and Louis!

My very cute Husband, can u tell I was taking the pictures!

Justin and Sam

My aunt Mary and Kathy

My brother Dominick with Sam and my mom

My cousin Cathryn and her adorable new baby Kylie

Ali with Sams cousin Mason and my mom

Sorry mom had to put the pictutre of you with the hat on here, since you took it off after this!

Sam is totally digging all the balloons!

My brother Dominick and his future wife Sarah

My cousin Shay and Aunt Lori

They are too cute, they are going to have great wedding pictures very photogenic

my mom and dad after my dads toast to her!

Sam helping blow out Nana's candles after singing happy birthday!

My uncle Joe hugging my mom after his speech to my mom!

My uncle steve holding his newest grandkid Kylie!

Dominick being Dominick !!

Famly picture!!!!!!!

Dominick opening up a few presents since his birthday is a few days after my moms!!

Sam being silly in his woody Pj's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What food did u serve.I need ideas.