Monday, August 10, 2009

Florida Vacation Pictures

Hi everyone
These are the pictures of our vacation to Captiva Florida last month. Sam had a great time as did we. He did great on the airplane actually slept both ways and they were not direct flights. He is an absolute angel and we enjoyed our first vacation together as a family. There are alot of pictures I had trouble picking my favorites. Love you all.

looking out the window at the airport

rinsing off after a day at the beach

going for a walk

family pic

peek a boo

watching the sunset

cool tree

dinner at the bubble room

"yes"that is a lime he sucking on and he liked it!!

what should I order?

a dolphin on the dolphin cruise we went on
diggin in the sand
kissing daddy

trying to be like daddy

This is the inside of the trolley that took us around the island

Sam hanging out on the deck of the condo

I think this is sweet of Dave and Sam sharing a moment

Sam floating on his turtle that he did not want to stay in!

Doing yoga early in the morning

Crashed on the beach

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