Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas morning with the Saguto side of the family!

He loves elmo!!

This is his famous "lips" that he does:)

Christmas night with the Silva side of the family!

This is baby Mark being held by his Aunt Danette, Sam's newest cousin!

putting up the christmas tree

A day at the Park in November

Well I know I have not posted in a long time so I have alot of updating to do but, I am going to do it one post at a time. Here are pictures of Sam when we went to the park with Daves' brother Sal and his kids in late November!

This is sam and Brian playing.

going down the slide weeeeeeeeeeeee!

Brian and Hailey going down the slide together!

Sam trying to be a big boy going down the steps without holding daddys hand.( I was trying not to have a heart attack while he was trying this)